Monthly Archives: August 2009

hyper color//hyper link

so i didnt make it to the opening, but Nudashank‘s latest show, Chromotose, juried by Erik Parker, looks pretty amazing. check out photos from the opening reception on Nuda’s website.
i love the rainbow fade signage (see above next to a painting by John Bohl).
and see below, this creepy bat(?) face by Bill Dunlap.
perhaps my favorite so far, having not gotten a close look at everything yet.

my god.


LOOK at the goofy shit they did to these dogs!! MONSTROUS. so many more at the Telegraph


las vegas diamond lust

so i made some more bicycle bags and sent them to shooting star gallery in portsmouth VA! thats jet girl up there…i was sad to see her leave.
but so it goes, say goodbye to one object and gain another…
look at these thrifted cinderella cowgirl pumps!
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yes those are diamonds, yes they are winking at you.
love them like i love them!
and then listen!! to pylon

pylon’s from athen‘s GA and disbanded in the early 80‘s, but they are influences of REM and they opened for the B52‘s and they are hard to find torrents of…and cds of for that matter. anyway, thats why i posted a homemade video, with footage from the cabinet of dr caligari.
heres some liiive footage with miss vanessa throwin it around…

and a rather disheartening video of the members discussing their decision to disband…

just didn’t feel like being famous. oh well…

hot pink, down on main street

so im in norfolk, visiting my dad and highschool friends, and subsequently people i thought i’d never see again…
and my dad and i had a crab boil the first night i was here. thats just what it sounds like, you buy a bushel of live crabs in a paper sack, put them in the fridge so they achieve suspended animation, take em out when youre ready, put em in the sink and wake em up SO THEY KNOW THEYRE GONNA DIE, and then you throw them in boiling water.
and smash them open and pick them apart and eat them with butter.
anyway we had a bushel of crabs and then that night i dreamt we had a bushel of kittens.
hot pink ones.
and since ive moved to richmond, ive heard this song on the radio at least a dozen times after certainly never hearing it before.

i thought it was bruce springsteen, i thought i was finally about to have a boss song that i liked. but no, its bob seger. mostly im seriously into that stadium concert guitar effect.
anyway, i woke up with it in my head today.

ps: look at this guy! wood donkey dunny! i want him!! more views on kidrobot
double ps: can we please go to new zealand and do this…

its a “schweeb” (dumb), a human-powered monorail racetrack
the future is now, lets go lets go!!

puzzling evidence

so today i came into work to find a bizzare accumulation of trash in our parking lot. it was like a joke mystery.
what do you think all this means?…
*2 dirty pillows
*a bottle of butane for refueling lighters
*5 half drunk sodas
*a summons for a traffic violation in VA written out to D.A. Riddle Jr.
*a Maryland emissions test certificate for D.A. Riddle Jr.
*a realtor’s business card for Florida
*a brand new Amtrak conductors cap in a box addressed to a Miss. K. Broughtan
*a tub of Jiffy pop, which had had the foil cover ripped off in order to make a…
*one-hitter and an origami crane

threeand so then, my coworker and i clean it all up and i go to the trashcan to throw it away, and already in the trashcan, we find…
*a brand new pair of men’s black dress shoes
*an ipod dock
*brand new kitchen utensils (a spatula, a pair of tongs etc)
*an Amtrak manual
*and a digital camera

Mr. Riddle from MD came down to VA because of his court summons…he brought his girlfriend, whom was studying to be an Amtrak conductor…and it was a long ride so they had pillows in the car…and weed….and then….
they cleaned their car out in our parking lot?
and got in a big fight and broke up and so they threw away their camera full of memories and their new kitchen ware for their new place?
ooooooor WHAT?!
maybe someone stole the car and decided to throw out evidence of the previous owner…….?

regarding the camera, i took it home. the pictures on it are from 2005-2006 and range from mild to uninteresting. mostly the she-owner and her friends at bars, movies of them water skiing (true), pics from xmas, and pics of her apt.
check out the voyeurism

cast me in plastic

barbie ❤ MAC

the line no longer exists, and im not really a lip gloss kinda girl…
but i want it
speaking of face paint:




brown sugar

oh oh oh, i made something delicious….
that would be fresh figs and haagen dazs’ brown sugar ice cream
decadent. love it.
take a look at the close-up cross-sectional…


so what happens when you add:



perhaps something like this:

the song! its so kitsch and silly…those are the mermaids of weeki wachee…heres some knowledge

and some vintage tricks

i would looooove to go see this, lets go to florida!
they also have an “aqua man“…

read on for some more vintage postcard ladies… Continue reading

comedy show, house show, epic show

i saw my bloody valentine
i saw my bloody valentine for 30 bucks
it was awesome, it was a wall of sound. they gave us ear plugs at the door and while i typically mock such safety-conscious concert behavior, these were necessary…but every once in a while id take them out and sneak an ear-drum battering listen. the bass reverb almost made me fall over, and i felt like i was gonna suffocate. the noise felt like the hottest summer day complete with cicada drone. it was really a pretty lovely experience. loveless and isn’t anything were albums i had grown up with and so it was awesome to see how those noises were made.
but they didnt play soft as snow
…………………….but warm inside…………………………

also recently attended the YOU CAN’T DO THAT ON COMEDY TOUR @ Thanky Space featuring brian blomerth , andrew jeffrey wright, frankie martin and eyeballz…
victoria, co-owner of Thanky Space, took a bunch of pictures and video with my camera…so here’s brian gettin ridiculous, chattin with us about his dad….

later he put on a jersey dress and channeled his mom
andrew told us some audience survey-edited jokes and then showed some of his video art stuff, i liked this white-out/sharpie stop-motion movie…go here, watch itt

and house show:
friends jasce, ashton and david deese played a show at the cobra pit (aka jasce’s scary frat-hazing dungeon/basement) and i took picturesss and video…
i like this shadow play….

i like his against me voice….

and there was a rabbit there and i was allowed to cuddle him…
bunn so, it was exciting to go to a house show. something about the way richmond noise laws are set up make diy shows pretty impossible.
thats something i definitely miss about good old nashville, always something to do.

Long live the new flesh…

just watched TETSUO! the Iron Man! directed by and starring Shinya Tsukamoto, 1989’s Tetsuo is the defining Japanese cyberpunk film, cyberpunk being, loosely, as i understand it, a film where the characters undergo monstrous, robotic/techno metamorphoses. Wiki entry says, “There is often not much plot beyond screaming”…true, but i guess they mean “not much dialogue”, cause there is a plot, a confused and flashing series of events accompanied by an oncoming rave train of a soundtrack and yes, screamscreamscreaming.

so technically, i think cyberpunk films are commenting  on the fear of future technology and its over-assimilation into our culture. this fear of techno-idolatry is personified in the character of the “metal-fetishist“. in the first scene of the movie, we see the fetishist *GROSS OUT WARNING* jamming a metal rod into an open wound in his leg.
the fetishist starts running towards the city in a stop-motion frenzy (literally, see 1:23 in the trailer) and is hit by a car driven by “the salaryman“. the salaryman and his girlfriend take the presumed dead fetishist out into the woods and hide him there. but then the salaryman appears to have caught the fetishist virus or something and he starts mutating into a metal-man hybrid

yes. i think they sampled “take my breath away” (:57)
yes. his dick has turned into a drilldo (:48)
so the spirit of the fetishist hunts down the mutated salaryman and they battle until they sort of meld into each other, becoming a double, drooling tank monster bent on turning “this fucking world to rust!”

as i was reading about this film online, the same comparisons kept popping up:

-to HR Giger and his biomechanical imagery of flesh and metal in a symbiotic, welded relationship. Snowblood writes, that like Giger, the director Tsukamoto

“appears to be making the point that when metal and flesh collide in physicality, both will be corrupted by the presence of alien matter…Flesh rots and decays in accommodating metal…[while] metal corrodes from the water and salts in human tissue.”

-to David Cronenberg’s melding of man and machine in Videodrome and its mantra: “Long live the new flesh“. many comparisons were also made between the two directors’ style of wacky yet effective visceral horror

-and finally to David Lynch. like Eraserhead, Tetsuo is in black and white, has hardly any dialogue and has a surreal, nightmarish quality to it. i was certainly reminded of Lynch when considering the plot. it twists and dead ends all over the place, and you just have to take it for what it is.

so all in all, a ridiculous film. i loved watching it though, i loved looking at it. all the effects are in jerky, home-made stop motion. kinda quirky and endearing for how TERRIFYING and GRUESOME the film actually is. and the whole experience is visually aided and abetted by a thundering soundtrack composed by Chu Ishikawa of Der Eisenrost, a Metal Percussion unit from Japan, likened to Psychic TV/Throbbing Gristle…

lots of film reviews lately cause its hot hot hot outside.
but here are some other things i want to do:
go to the beach
go rollerskating
go to laser quest
go to a firing range (cause i never have)
become a metaLmorphosis monster